
Are you qualified to be the next new Police Officer or Non-Uniformed employee for The City of Spokane? Before you apply, review the minimum qualifications to make sure you fit the bill. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

minimum qualifications spokane pd

requirements to be considered

Police Officer

Must be 20 years of age at application and 21 years of age at the time of appointment.

Completion of high school or equivalent.

Possess a valid driver's license.

Pass the Public Safety Written Test.

Physical requirements, including eyesight & hearing are consistent with state law/guidelines.

Pass the Public Safety Physical Agility test.


The following items are some reasons applicants can be disqualified from becoming a Police Officer with the City of Spokane. The answers provided on the Personal History Statement and polygraph will be used to determine if applicants are disqualified.

 Please review our full hiring standards PDF below for more info.


  • Traffic crime conviction for DUI or reckless driving within the last 5 years.
  • Two or more DUI convictions within the past 10 years.
  • 4 or more moving violations in the past 3 years from separate incidents.
  • 2 or more at-fault accidents in the past 3 years.

Drug Usage

  • Use or possession of cannabis as an adult within one year prior to application.
  • Any illegal use, distribution, or possession of any controlled substance, as an adult, within 5
    years prior to application.
  • Illegal drugs detected on a drug test during the hiring process.
  • Manufacture or cultivation of a drug or illegal substance as an adult.
  • Illegal use/misuse of legally prescribed drugs or medications, as an adult, within 5 years prior to application.

Criminal Activity

  • Any felony conviction as an adult. 
  • Conviction of any crime under a domestic violence statute as an adult. 
  • Conviction of two or more misdemeanor offenses as an adult within 5 years of application. 
  • Conviction of any crime against a child. 


  • Dishonorable discharge or bad conduct discharge from any brand of the US Armed Forces, except for reasons of sexual orientation.

requirements to be considered

Professional Civilian Positions

Please view the minimum qualifications specific to each position on before applying.

Willing to submit to a polygraph examination

Willing to fill out a personal history packet

Possess a valid driver's license.

Pass the Civil Service Skills Test.

Willing to submit fingerprints

Able to pass a background investigation.


The following items are some reasons applicants can be disqualified from becoming a Non-Uniformed Employee with the City of Spokane. The answers provided on the Personal History Statement and polygraph will be used to determine if applicants are disqualified.

 Please review our full hiring standards PDF below for more info.


  • One DUI conviction within the last 5 years or two or more DUI convictions within the past 10 years.
  • If applicable, 3 or more moving violations in the past year from separate incidents, within one year prior to application.


Drug Usage

  • Any illegal use, distribution, or possession of any controlled substance, as an adult, within 5
    years prior to application.
  • Illegal drugs detected on a drug test during the hiring process.
  • Manufacture or cultivation of a drug or illegal substance as an adult.
  • For Property & Evidence Techs only – Use or possession of cannabis as an adult within 6 months prior to application.
  • An applicant may also be disqualified for the illegal use/misuse of legally prescribed drugs or medications – or – if the applicant’s alcoholic beverage consumption, cannabis consumption, or consumption of legally prescribed drugs or medication is shown to impair his/her ability to perform in a satisfactory manner. 


Criminal Activity

  • Any felony conviction as an adult.
  • Conviction of any crime under a domestic violence statute as an adult.
  • Conviction of two or more misdemeanor offenses as an adult within 5 years of application.
  • Admission of having committed any act which constitutes a felony crime under Washington state law, as an adult, within 5 years prior to application. 
  • Admission of any of any criminal act against a child.


Past Employment

  • Discipline by any employer for acts constituting racial, ethnic, sexual harassment, or discrimination. 
  • A pattern of uttering epithets derogatory of another person’s race, religion, gender, national orgin or sexual orientation.
  • Discipline by any employer for violence in the workplace as an adult